Name of Condominium Association
Tidelands Condominium Owners Association, Inc. (the “COA”)
Managed By: Artemis Lifestyles, Inc.
What Are My Voting Rights in the COA?
On all matters on which the membership shall be entitled to vote, there shall be one vote allotted to each unit in the
Condominium ("Unit").
What Restrictions Exist on My Rights to Use My Unit?
Use of a Unit is subject to the Declaration of Condominium for Tidelands, a Condominium ("Declaration"). Article 18 of the
Declaration contains restrictions concerning the use and occupancy of the condominium, including restrictions regarding
residential use; alteration and improvement of Units; signs; pets; flooring; and other matters. The foregoing is not an exclusive
list of the restrictions imposed by the Declaration. All prospective purchasers are urged to review the Declaration carefully.
Tidelands has a two-car restriction due to available resident parking spaces. That is, owners may not have more than two cars
associated with any single unit. A Parking Policy is defined and parking is enforced by a security enforcement firm. Guest and
temporary passes are available for occasional use by visitors.
What Restrictions Exist in The Condominium Documents on Leasing My Unit?
As of February 6, 2020, Short Term Rentals (less than 30-days) are prohibited. There is no restriction on rentals for 30-days or
longer; however, a copy of a current signed lease agreement and lease clause must be provided to Tidelands management as
documented in Administrative Resolution 001-2015: Policy for Owners who use Their Units as a Rental Property, which can be
found on the Tidelands Condominium Association website (or
ask a licensed real estate agent to obtain this information).
How Much Are My Assessments to The Condominium Association for My Unit Type and When Are They Due?
Effective January 1, 2025, $775 per month, due the 1st day of each month. Late fees apply after the 15th day of the month. As
of October 2018, the assessment includes Spectrum TV and Internet. Spectrum services are contracted through October 2027
and are subject to change during contract negotiations. Budget year is January 1st to December 31st.
Do I Have to Be A Member in Any Other Association?
Each owner of a Unit will be a member of the Tidelands Club ("Club") the expenses allocated to the "Club" are included in the
Unit owners' general assessments mentioned above.
Am I Required to Pay Rent or Land Use Fees for Recreational or Other Commonly Used Facilities? If So, How Much Am I
Obligated to Pay Annually?
Certain entrance areas and green space have been designated as Joint Use Areas pursuant to the Declaration of Easements
and Restrictions and Covenant to Share Costs for Joint Use Areas ("Cost Sharing Declaration") recorded in Official Records
Book 1223, Page 900, Flagler County, Florida. The developer may designate additional Joint Use Areas. The Joint Use Areas are
for the non-exclusive benefit, use, and enjoyment of the owners of a Unit and the Village Association owners of a single family
home. The expense of operation, maintenance, repair, replacement and insurance of Joint Use Areas will be allocated
between the Condominium Association and the Village Association, based on the number of units/lots each. The expenses
allocated to the Association under the Cost Sharing Declaration will be included in the Unit owners' general assessments.
Note: The statements contained herein are only summary in nature. A prospective purchaser should refer to all the
Condominium Documents.